Ignition Interlock Devices (IID) In Fresno
What is an Ignition Interlock Device (IID)?
Ignition interlock devices (IIDs) are small DUI breathalyzers that are installed in the dashboard of your car and prevent your from starting and operating your car unless you provide an alcohol-free breath sample. There are four counties in California that require an IID to be installed on a first time DUI conviction. Tulare County is one of those counties. In Fresno, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle after a DUI charge. However, it is not mandatory. It will depend on the circumstances. An ignition interlock device is used in order to monitor a driver's Blood Alcohol Concentration. (BAC). It works by requiring the driver to breathe into a breathalyzer-type device, usually installed on the vehicle's ignition. If the ignition interlock device determines that the driver has consumed alcohol, the device will prevent the engine from starting.
How Does IID Work?
If you blow and the IID does not pick up alcohol, the engine will start and you are free to drive your car. However, be aware that the device will conduct random “running” tests. This “running” test requires the driver to give a breath sample while the vehicle is in use. This helps to prevent other people from initially blowing into the device to get the car started. If you fail the “running” test, the car won't shut off, however, when you stop and shut off the car, you will be locked out and prevented from restarting your car for 5 days. If a driver fails this “running” test, a violation will be registered.
If you blow over the threshold level and the device prohibits you from driving, you will be locked out for a short period of time - approximately a few minutes. However, if you fail subsequent tests, you will be locked out for a more substantial length of time.This device has proven to be very successful in preventing drinking and driving offenses. In fact, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has stated that the institution of ignition interlock devices along with monitoring and other programs has decreased DUI offenses by 40-95%.
Installation and Maintenance of an IID After a Fresno DUI
If you are court ordered to to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, you will be required to hire an authorized installer to do the job and you will be required to provide a receipt or some other type of proof of installation to the court. Once the device has been installed in your vehicle, you must follow certain rules related to the use and maintenance of the device:
- You may not ask another person to blow into the device;
- Another person may not blow into the device;
- You may not remove, bypass, or tamper with the device;
- You may not drive a vehicle without an ignition interlock device once your license has been restricted.
If you do not follow the required tasks related to the installation of an ignition interlock device, your already restricted license can be terminated completely. Once installed, the device requires maintenance and calibration. The term calibration means testing the device in order to make sure it is measuring accurately. The state of California requires you to calibrate the device every 60 days.
How Much Does an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Cost in California?
Along with the required maintenance of the device, there are also related fees. The cost to install the device in your vehicle is generally between $50-$200. This cost is usually based on the make and model of your vehicle. Once it is installed, you will need to pay a monthly rental fee. This fee ranges between $50-$100.
Do You Need a DUI Defense Lawyer?
We have relationships with the IID providers in California and can get you connected with a IID provider if the need arises. Ignition interlock devices are expensive and maintenance is time consuming. Contact our office here in Fresno and we will be able to get you accurate information and help regarding your DUI and the potential IID consequences.

You've Been Arrested for a DUI
What Happens Now?
After an ArrestAfter you are arrested for a DUI in Fresno, you may not know where to turn, or what to do next. The first question you will probably have is: What happens now?
Find the Right LawyerIf you've been arrested for a DUI or any other crime, you need to hire a lawyer. Even if you are guilty, having a lawyer will help you through the process, and get you the best results.
Understanding the myths and facts about DUI's in Fresno is crucial for informed decision-making.

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