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Fresno DUI Attorneys Serving the Central Valley
Free Consultation 559-257-4707

Helpful Tips After a DUI Arrest

These Are the Times When You Need the Best

If you or someone you know was recently arrested for DUI in California, don’t wait to take legal action. Even first-time offenders could be looking at serious penalties if a conviction is made. How you handle yourself at this time – from what you do while in jail to what you say to law enforcement officers leading up to the arrest – could significantly impact the outcome of your case.

4 Tips You Can’t Afford to Miss

  1. Cooperate with law enforcement. Refusing a field sobriety test, or even a blood or alcohol test, prior to an arrest is much different than refusing one after. California’s Implied Consent law requires residents to take a chemical test after an arrest for DUI, and refusing will only complicate things for you down the line. In fact, a flat-out refusal could lead to automatic suspension of your driver’s license, fines, and prison time if you are ultimately convicted.
  2. Exercise your right to remain silent. The old adage is true, “anything you say can and will be used against you.” If you’ve been arrested for drunk driving, do yourself a favor and exercise your Constitutional right to remain silent. Law enforcement officers may ask you questions that try to incriminate you, so your best bet at this time is to remain silent or inform the officer that you’re waiting to respond under the advice of an attorney.
  3. Request a DMV Hearing immediately. In California, you only have 10 days from the date of your arrest in which to take legal action at the state DMV. Failure to request a hearing within 10 days could lead to automatic suspension of your driver’s license. Don’t wait to act.
  4. Hire a DUI defense attorney as soon as possible. The days and weeks following an arrest for DUI are critical. What you do during this time could make or break your case. If you’re hoping to get your charges reduced or dismissed altogether, you’ll need an aggressive, proven defense attorney on your side.

Contact Wapner Jones, PC. for a Free Consultation

Wapner Jones, PC. can help if you’ve been arrested for DUI in Fresno or Central Valley. With more than 55 years of legal experience to our name, we know how to tackle drunk driving arrests from every angle. Whether this a first-time offense or you’re a repeat offender, we can help you fight the charges that have been made against you.

As former Deputy District Attorneys, we know how law enforcement and prosecutors work as they build their case. Even better, we know how to predict and combat the tactics they’re likely to use against you.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you fight your DUI charges. Your first consultation with a member of our team is risk-free and will cost you absolutely nothing. Call (559) 257-4707.
